Monday, July 21, 2008

Jinxed it

So you know those days or weeks where everything is going great and for the first time in a long time you finally have a grip on things. And then out of the blue, for no apparent reason, shit hits the fan. And I don't mean just a few things or a minor bump in the road..I'm talking major shit that shatters your world (ok maybe not shatter but it disrupts the peacefulness you finally found).

Then I went to work only to get bombarded with more crap. I already work 9 hours a day sometimes 10 because I can't get it all done in the 8 alotted hours. Then I get home to find out my mom has empysema and osteoperosis.

So again I am left here to try and figure this all out again. I finally had shit cleared up and had sorted it all out now I'm left sitting on the floor trying to distinguish what is what.

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